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Proper versioning is crucial for maintaining and updating mobile applications effectively. It helps in tracking different versions of your app, managing updates, and ensuring compatibility.

Understanding Android Versioning

Android apps use a combination of versionCode and versionName in their build configurations:

  • versionCode: An integer value that represents the version of the application code, which is incremented with every release.
  • versionName: A string value that represents the release version to the user.

For a detailed guide on Android versioning, please refer to:

File Icon

Understanding Android Versioning

Understanding iOS Versioning

iOS apps use CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion:

  • CFBundleShortVersionString: The release version number displayed to users.
  • CFBundleVersion: The build number, which identifies an iteration of the app.

For a detailed guide on iOS versioning, please refer to:

File Icon

Understanding iOS Versioning

This section provides resources and guidelines to understand and manage the versioning system for both Android and iOS platforms.